The St Arnaud Ridge track starts from the Lake Rotoiti lake front at Kerr Bay and is a 10 km return hike.  The track climbs from 620 m at the lake shore to 1700 m at the ridge line.  The walk meanders through native forest for the first roughly 4 kms on a zig zag track up towards the ridge.  The trees become progressively shorter as the track gains in elevation towards the tree line at 1400 m.  Just above the tree line are the Parachute Rocks, which are an ideal place for a break whilst enjoying the magical view over Lake Rotoiti, St Arnaud and the surrounding area.   The final climb up to the ridge line involves a climb of about 250 m.  It is worth the effort as the view from the ridge is outstanding and encompasses a 360 degree view over both the Lake Rotoiti area and to the east the Wairau River valley is visible.

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